Prayer For Enemies – Prayers For Your Enemies Prayer For Enemies – Prayers For Your Enemies Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to catch all the latest prayers uploaded to the channel! :


Lord God have mercy. Prayer for enemies spirit and flesh. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but spiritual principalitiesand rulers of darkness in high places but we know that God is for us which is more than the whole world against us and there is nothing to hard for God and we cast all our cares to God and he has promised to deliver us out of them all and God is a God of His word. In His timing and in His way it is so. God has no respect of person and He uses who soever He so chooses that is willing because he is not God that force Himself on anyone. Lord God we humbly welcome in your blessing and most importantly you Lord God in the midst. For there are so many hurting and in need individuals and families for all kinds of reasons which you Lord God know each and every one of them/ us. Lord God we choose to pray for the needs of others even our enemies and their innocent family members and love ones who may be being judged and treated wrongly because of the actions words or deeds of their family members or loveones Lord God help them and cover them in the blood of Jesus and bless tbem in each and area of their lives that you know they have need of. Lord God we thank you for forgiveness with your wisdom knowledge and understanding and guidance to help us leadn from our mistakes admit our part repent and turn from doing such and the strength to endure that which we must with our faith in you with works in action to move forward in the purpose of our lives process for the race is not given to the swift or the strong but to the one that endures until the end. Lord God in Jesus name thank you Lord God for our victory thru and by you. Thank you Jesus thank you Lord for your grace and mercy applied with your love never leaving nor forsaking us. Amen



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